Signs That Indicate You May Be Polyamorous

Signs That Indicate You May Be Polyamorous

Polyamory refers to the practice of dating multiple people at the same time (unlike monogamy, which is when two people are exclusive to each other). This includes both casual and serious dating; in fact, many polyamorous people live with one partner while continuing to date other people.

This may seem unconventional to some people, and sometimes it can get a bad rep from people who don’t understand the lifestyle. However many people prefer the polyamorous lifestyle – and if they are respectful to their partners, there is nothing wrong with it at all.

But how do you know if you are polyamorous? Here are three signs that indicate you may be polyamorous.


1. Signs That Indicate You May Be Polyamorous: You Feel Uncomfortable Being Exclusive To One Person

Even when you meet someone you really like and connect with, you feel uncomfortable with the idea of being exclusive to them. Whenever you have tried a monogamous relationship, you have felt uneasy or not totally happy with the situation. This isn’t because you struggle with commitment; you just simply don’t feel like monogamy is the right option for you.


2. You’re Fine With Your Partner Dating Other People

It is important to be aware that polyamory works both ways. If you want to date multiple people at the same time, think about if you are okay with your partner doing the same thing. After all, a polyamorous relationship shouldn’t be one-sided!

If you are okay with the idea of your partner dating other people, you may be polyamorous. This doesn’t mean that you won’t feel jealous or left out at times – these are both common human  emotions that most people feel at some point during a relationship (whether it is monogamous or polyamorous). The important thing is being able to have an open, honest conversation with your partner if you do feel this way. This allows you to deal with the core issue (for instance, not spending enough time together).


3. You Want To Date Multiple People (Both Casually And Seriously)

If you like the idea of dating multiple people, you may be polyamorous. It is important to be aware that this applies to both casual and serious dating. After all, many monogamous people are okay with dating multiple people while getting to know them, but when stronger feelings start to develop they will seek an exclusive relationship with the person they are most compatible with. If you are okay with dating multiple people while also being in a serious relationship, this could mean that you are polyamorous.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson