5 Reasons You May Be Single

5 Reasons You May Be Single

Being single can be a great thing. You’re free to do what you want, when you want, and you don’t have to consider someone else’s needs – and you can also flirt with whoever you want!

However being single can get a little boring after a while, especially if you have been single for a few years. If you can relate to this situation, you may assume that it is because you date the wrong people – but there is also a chance you are part of the issue. This can be difficult to admit, but if you want to find true love it is important to reflect on your own behavior and actions.

Here are five reasons why you may be single.


1. You’re Not Willing To Try New Things

If you dedicate the vast majority of your free time to non-dating activities (such as seeing friends or watching Netflix), it will be harder for you to meet someone who you find attractive and interesting.

This isn’t to say you should stop doing those things, but it could be worth dedicating one night a week to active dating. You could spend this evening messaging people on dating websites, or you could take a class that interests you (such as cooking or yoga). You could also try MeetUp.com, as this website allows you to do more relaxed group activities (such as checking out a Mexican restaurant or visiting a local bar).


2. You’re Too Confident

A little confidence can be very attractive – but being arrogant or bragging is normally seen as a huge turn off. It can be tempting to list your high-paying job or attractive traits on your dating profile, but this probably won’t attract a genuine person. So avoid bragging, and instead focus on trying to get your personality across (for instance, you may want to highlight that you have a good sense of humor, or you are kind to everyone you meet).


3. You’re Scared Of Putting Yourself Out There

If you had a difficult dating experience you may struggle to put yourself out there. This is totally normal, but if you really want to find love you must be willing to take a risk. This often takes time; you may need to self-reflect and think about how you were hurt, and what you can do to feel more positive about dating.


4. You Focus On Online, Not IRL

Online dating is effective, easy and affordable… but if you really want to meet someone, you should try both online and IRL (in real life) dating. After all, this means you are twice as likely to meet someone you like – and IRL dating can also help to improve your conversation skills, which is very useful for later dating experiences!


5. You Don’t Think You’re Good Enough

Lots of people don’t think they are good enough to find true love. A recent study found that over 50% of people suffer with self-esteem issues, which can make it hard to find love – but it is important to not be too hard on yourself. Beating yourself up for every little mistake can cause a lot of emotional anguish, and it can also make your date question if you are ready for a relationship.

So remember that relationships take work. Even if you are a great person, you will likely still make mistakes when dating. This is normal, and everyone does it. It doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love; it just means you need to put the work in to find true happiness.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson