3 Things To Say To The Ex You Still Love

3 Things To Say To The Ex You Still Love

It is heart-breaking to go through a break-up with someone you really love and care about. You will miss them a lot, and it is likely you will frequently think about winning them back.

But reuniting with an ex can be a very daunting task. They may feel angry or upset, so it is important that you don’t say anything that could make the situation worse. Use the right words and tone, and be careful about how you phrase your feelings.

Still not sure what to say? No problem; we are here to help! Here are three things you can say to the ex you still love.


 1. 3 Things To Say To The Ex You Still Love: “I am sorry.”

Break-ups can be difficult and messy (and so can relationships!), so it is possible there is something you regret saying or doing. If this is the case, offer your ex a sincere, heart-felt apology. Tell them that you made a mistake, and you regret hurting their feelings – but only say this if you truly mean it. Lots of people are willing to say anything to win back someone they love, but if you aren’t genuinely sorry it is likely the relationship will be the same as it was before.

You must also accept the possibility that your ex won’t apologize to you, especially if they don’t want to get back together. This can be tough, but winning someone back isn’t about manipulating someone; it is about taking a risk and putting yourself out there.


2. “I will always care about you.”

Lots of people assume that loving feelings disappear after a relationship ends, but this isn’t always the case. Many people still love and care about their exes for months or even years, and this totally normal. So if you still care about your ex and you want to talk to them, start by telling them that you still care about them. This will show them that the relationship still means something to you, and it could also reignite a spark if they feel the same way about you.


3. “Can you remember that time we…”

The end of the relationship may have been difficult, but you probably had lots of good times together before that. So if you see something that reminds you of your ex and makes you smile, consider reaching out to them to let them know. This will remind them of happy times, and it will probably put a smile on their face.

Use these tips to share your feelings with the ex you still love. This will make it easier for you two to start a positive dialogue, so you can show them how much you love them. But be self-aware; remember that every break-up happens for a reason, so if you really want to make things work you both may need to work on yourself individually. And if they don’t want to get back together, try not to stress too much; there are lots of things you can do to help heal your heart.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson