How To Make Him Want You

How To Make Him Want You

There are certain techniques any woman can use to make a man want her more. The techniques might seem a little strange to begin with, but they actually work – and they are fairly easy to do.

So forget small tips like ‘make eye contact’ or ‘show off your collarbone’; here are three things you actually need to do if you want to make him notice you.


1. Have Your Own Interests

If you like a guy it can be tempting to make sure you are always available to hang together. And when you are together , you might think the best move is to constantly bring up their interests to keep the conversation going – but doing these two things can do as much harm as good. After all, an emotionally mature person might think you seem a bit desperate!

So try to focus on your own friends, interests and hobbies as well. Don’t message him constantly, and don’t cancel plans with friends for a first date; just ask to rearrange for a time that suits you both. If he really likes you (and respects you!) he will be more than happy to rearrange. This may seem like a difficult task to start with, but studies have actually found that women tend to be happier when they are single and independent!


2. Be Fun

Many women think that they should try to seem mysterious at the beginning, but mysterious can sometimes come across as hard work. It can also seem a bit out of date; it isn’t a man’s job to impress and charm a silent woman anymore!

If you really want to impress your date, be fun. Tell jokes, share stories and be enthusiastic, rather than acting awkward or nervous. This can be tough to start with, but if you and your date really get along it should be easy enough.


3. Be Flirty

Finally it is important to be flirty. A fun and flirty combination is very attractive to most men, and it means that you don’t accidentally friend-zone yourself. So tease him a little, laugh a lot and don’t be afraid of being physically affectionate (holding hands, touching legs or walking close to him). This will make it clear that you are attracted to him, and his physical response to you will give you a good idea of if he feels the same way.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson