Are You Attracting The Wrong People?

Are You Attracting The Wrong People?

Most people end up with someone who isn’t right for them at some point in their life, but what about if you constantly attracting the wrong people?

This means that you are attracted to the wrong people, and sadly the blame might not be with the people you’re dating – in fact, it is actually more likely that you are the problem.

Normally if you are attracted to the wrong people it is because you are sending out the wrong vibes, thus attracting negative people to you. This is because you are using the most damaged version of yourself to attract dates.


Are You Attracting The Wrong People?

We all have different versions of who we are; the reserved version that you show to your colleagues (and maybe your parents), the funny, loud version that you show to your friends and the kind version that you show to your children and pets.

All of these different versions of you are real, tangible parts of who you are – but if you get them mixed up, you could cause some problems. After all, imagine what could happen if you decided to show your flirty side at work!


So what you need to ask yourself is… What version of yourself are you showing to your dates?

If you keep attracting the wrong people, you’re probably showing the damaged, negative version of yourself. This will attract other damaged people to you, and it is very possible that these people are more damaged than you are – meaning that you will become even more damaged during the relationship. This is a vicious cycle that can cause a lot of pain for everyone involved.


How can you attract the right people?

If you want to attract the right people in your life, you need to confront the damaged version of yourself. This will allow you to work through your problems, making it much easier for you to show the happy, positive side of yourself to future dates.

This may seem like a difficult task, but the benefits can be life changing. When you are a happier person you will attract more positive people into your life, making it much easier for you to find Mr or Miss. Right!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson