Why January Is The Best Month For Online Dating

Why January Is The Best Month For Online Dating

Over 41 million Americans have tried online dating, but many people say that they struggle to find someone that they are interested in. This may seem confusing, but it could be caused by a mixture of bad timing, few options and a lack of action.

Thankfully – and conveniently – January is the best month for online dating! Here is why you should be using your dating account in January.


Dating Websites Are More Popular In January

If you often find yourself saying “there’s no new profiles catching my eye” whenever you log on to online dating, you must not be using your profile in January. Dating websites are more popular in January than they are during any other month of the year; Match.com reported two years ago that the first Sunday in January was their highest traffic for the whole year. Zoosk is also expecting a 20% jump in registrations during the first two weeks of January, and eHarmony had a 21% increase in mobile sign ups.

This means that there are plenty of new people joining up to the same dating website as you in the hopes that they will find the love of their life – you simply need to log on and spend some time matching with other accounts.

There are lots of reasons why so many people use online dating during January; spending time with family at Christmas can inspire people to look for love, and people are often still off work at the beginning of January so they have time to message other people and go out on dates.


It Is The Perfect Time To Meet Someone

January is the perfect time for you to meet someone new; you are ready for a fresh start, and you’ve set resolutions to help you make this year the best year yet. Despite this, January can feel like a long, dull month. Most people don’t have much money after Christmas, and the weather is cold and dark – perhaps this is why January 16th was voted the Most Depressing Day of the Year!

This is an extra reason to throw yourself into online dating; messaging someone attractive will certainly help you to beat the January blues! A monthly membership is also much cheaper than going to a pub or a bar to meet someone, and your fresh start attitude means that you are more likely to match with other people and send them messages.


How To Find More Matches

A recent study found that dating websites give you more access to potential dates than traditional methods, but this can actually cause problems. People who browse large numbers of profiles often become less willing to message people as they want to wait until they find someone who appears to be 100% perfect.

This often results in the person becoming frustrated with online dating as they feel like they are putting time into online dating without seeing any results. If you can relate to this you need to take action; if you never message anyone or match with anyone you will definitely have less messages and matches! Put yourself out there by actively using your profile to message people that you find attractive. Most people only log on to their account when they have a notification or a message, so it is likely that they will never see your profile if you don’t strike up a conversation.

If you want to find more matches you should also try a different search setting. Instead of looking for people by age or location, try searching for keywords in their profile that could interest you. This means you are more likely to find people that share similar interests and ideals.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson