Tom And Tianna Get Engaged!

Tom And Tianna Get Engaged!

Tom and Tianna met on our dating website in 2021, and now the pair are engaged to be married. We decided to speak with them to find out more about their romance and their plans for the future…


Tom And Tiana Get Engaged: The Interview

When did you first start talking?

Thomas: “Tianna and I started talking right at the beginning of March 2021. I had noticed we had both liked each other’s profiles and decided to make the first move and within days we were sending voice notes and video calling each other.”


When did you first meet?

Tianna reply: “We first met in person on June 26, 2021. I was studying in London, and we finally got to see one another in person.”

Thomas reply: Tianna was studying in London, so even with Covid restrictions she managed to make it, and we met at last!”


Tom and Tianna get engaged!


What do you love about each other?

Tianna: “God, it’s more about what don’t I love about him! Although, some of the best things about Thomas are how easy everything is with him, his communication, and his beautiful smile. He never fails to make me smile, and he was everything I wanted in a partner and so much more. I adore him and every last thing about him.”

Thomas: “I love absolutely everything about her! How beautiful she is for a start and how smart, talented (she’s an amazing painter) and how honest and loyal she is. We both have so much in common and we can talk about literally anything! To me, she is the girl of my dreams.”


What are your plans for the future?

Tianna: “Well, since we got engaged we have been planning our wedding. Right now the focus is trying to get my job transferred over to England, and then find a home together! We have so much ahead of us and have been planning our wedding, our home, having dogs, traveling together, and eventually having a family.”

Thomas: “Once Tianna manages to get the transfer we will be living together. There are so many plans we have (and have to arrange now that we are getting married!), but we definitely plan on having a life together and one day having a family.”


What is your favourite memory together?

Tianna: “This one is tough, because my personal favorite used to be (still kind of is) us taking our first late night walk in London together. Now it’s also the day he proposed because he was so cute and attentive and it was so well thought out – it was really, in a word, perfect.”

Thomas: “We have so many incredible memories together now, but one of my personal favourites is the day we met in person in London and sitting and talking on a park bench outside the accommodation we were waiting to stay in. This was such a personal favourite of mine that I proposed to her there this year.”


Tom and Tianna get engaged!


Do you have any advice for singles on DBG?

Tianna: “Honestly, dating someone so far away is difficult to say the least. It requires so much trust, communication, and just overall transparency. With that being said, my god is it worth it. We still struggle saying goodbye when one of us has to return home, and that never gets easier; however, if you can make it work there really is a lot of truth to distance makes the heart fonder.”

Thomas: “I was never good at online dating or dating apps, that’s what shocks me even more that I found someone as perfect as Tianna. Any experience that I had on dating sites before that were really bad experiences with girls that had major red flags. What I would say is be patient, take your time to get to know a person, and just be yourself. Honesty is the best policy and if they are as good a person as you are and you really connect then you know you’ve truly found someone special.”

We are so happy for Tom and Tianna! Click here to check out our other success stories.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson