Tips For People Who Have Just Started Dating

Tips For People Who Have Just Started Dating

Most romantic comedies make the first part of dating someone seem so simple… but in reality it isn’t always easy for everyone. Sure, the honeymoon period can be a lot of fun, but it can also be complex, emotional and frustrating (especially if one of you has a negative mindset).

If you want to make sure you have a great honeymoon period with your crush, we can help. Here are four tips for people who have just started dating.


1. Tips For People Who Have Just Started Dating: Be Sure You Like The Person (Rather Than The Thought Of A Relationship)

Sometimes people want to be with someone so badly that they end up with the wrong person. Sure, online dating can definitely be tiresome at points… but it is important to make sure that you are actually attracted to the person you are seeing, rather than being attracted to the idea of a long term relationship).

So don’t overlook flaws or red flags that bother you because you want the relationship to work; instead be honest with yourself. Does your crush make you laugh and smile? Do you feel good when you are with them? Are you physically attracted to them?


2. Remember That A Red Flag Isn’t A Suggestion

If your date gives you red flag signals (maybe they were rude to a waiter once, or maybe they made a sexist comment), be aware that it probably isn’t a one-time event. Red flags exist for a reason; they aren’t suggestions, and they rarely go away. Sure, no-one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but if your crush gives you a bad gut feeling, calmly walk away.


3. Mention The Future

While it isn’t good to constantly focus on the past, it can be beneficial to think about the future occasionally. Of course we are not saying you should ask your date how many children they want – it might be a bit soon for that! But it can be useful to mention life goals, travel plans and deal-breakers before things get too serious. This gives you both the chance to find out more about how compatible you are (and if you find out your goals are not compatible, you can walk away and avoid heartbreak further down the line).


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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson