Tips For Dating In Your 40s

Tips For Dating In Your 40s

Dating in your 40s can be interesting. You have already experienced dating and love, and it is likely you have also gone through difficult times and heartbreak. These experiences can make you a wiser person who is a better partner – but they can also make you feel nervous about the thought of dating.

Are you in your 40s and you want to make sure that you have a positive dating experience? If so, here are some tips for dating in your 40s.


1. Tips For Dating In Your 40s: Wait If You Are Not Ready

New research from the Pew Research Center found that divorce rates for people in their 40s have increased by 14% – and this goes up to 109% for people in their 50s. If you have recently gone through a difficult divorce or break up, avoid jumping right back into the dating pool if you’re not ready – or you may end up in another relationship that isn’t right! Instead take your time, enjoy being single and only start dating when you feel ready.


2. Use Your Experiences To Make Better Choices

Everyone has deal breakers when it comes to dating, but ideally someone in their 40s will have more realistic deal breakers than someone in their 20s. This is because someone in their 40s has two extra decades of dating experience, so they know more about what they want and what they don’t want in a relationship. Take some times to think about the qualities that are important to you in a relationship, and use these to set reasonable deal breakers.


3. Don’t Be Afraid Of Making The First Move

It can be scary to make the first move and put yourself out there, but if you want to find love you should be willing to make the first move. So if you match with someone you like online, send them a message, and if you meet someone in real life, approach them politely and strike up a conversation!


4. Remember That Age Isn’t Important

There are no set rules for dating in your 40s, and this is because in reality age isn’t that important. So if you have any preconceived notions about how you should act or behave, forget about them! Just focus on having fun and enjoying yourself, and eventually you will find someone who is perfect for you.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson