Tips For Dating During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Tips For Dating During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Corona virus has quickly swept across the globe, infecting millions of people in hundreds of different countries. And even if you don’t have the virus, it is very likely that your life is being affected by it; most governments are warning people to self-isolate and stay inside, even if they aren’t showing symptoms. But what does this mean for dating?

The virus can be passed by holding hands and kissing, and many date locations are temporarily closed. So dating may be a little harder than normal – but if you really like someone, it is possible to date them while staying safe and healthy.

Here are a few do’s and don’ts for dating during the Coronavirus pandemic.


COVID-19 Dating Do’s

Do use dating apps to match with other singles. This allows you to create a solid bond with someone you like (and you definitely won’t catch the virus this way!).

Do schedule a Skype or Facetime date if you are getting along well and want to take the next step.

Do meet in person if you have already met before and neither of you are presenting symptoms  (but consider having a night in, rather than going out!).

Do meet up at a quiet location (such as your home or the park), rather than a busy café or bar.

Do wash your hands frequently if you decide to meet up in person.

Do an elbow bump when you meet up, instead of shaking hands or kissing!


Avoid kissing your date if you have just met them and they haven’t been tested for COVID-19.

COVID-19 Dating Don’ts

Don’t spend the whole date talking about the COVID-19 virus. It is the main subject of conversation for most people right now, so a break will probably be welcomed by both you and your crush!

Don’t feel bad if you want to cancel a date. Just let the person know as soon as you decide you don’t want to, and consider rearranging when you feel safer being in a crowd.

Don’t stay at a venue if you notice people coughing.

Don’t quiz your date about when they last coughed, especially if they seem perfectly healthy.

Don’t lean in for a kiss at the end of the night if you are meeting the person for the first time – stick to a wink and smile!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson