New Year’s Resolutions For Singles

New Year’s Resolutions For Singles


The New Year is quickly approaching, and for most people it is a good opportunity to replace bad habits with better ones. Some people swear off unhealthy junk food, while others promise to exercise more – but if you’re single, you should consider setting some love resolutions.

Dating can be difficult, and lots of people pick up bad habits when they are dating that make it difficult for them to find the love of their life. If you’re ready for a new approach when it comes to dating, here are 6 New Year’s resolutions for singles.

1. Change Your Outlook On Love

Lots of people have a set ‘type’ and a dating plan that they stick to. Maybe you go to your local pub every Friday in the hopes that you will meet someone, or maybe you only message men with dark hair and blue eyes from your Date British Guys account. Either way, the plan might not be helping you – in fact, it could actually be hindering you by limiting your options.

Try to switch up your dating game in 2017 to increase your chances of meeting someone amazing. You could try being more sociable by going to more events, and you could promise yourself that you will go on a date with someone that you wouldn’t normally be attracted to – they could end up being the love of your life!

2. Move Past Your Ex

Lots of singletons wonder why they can’t find a date, and they don’t realize that it is because they are still hung up on their ex. If you find yourself comparing your date to your ex, you should probably take a break from dating so that you can properly move on. You must accept that your life is better without your ex, and when you reach this point you are ready to re-join the dating game with a fresh perspective and attitude.

3. Give Your Date A Second Chance

Some single people find that they often go on first dates with new people, but they rarely end up going on a second date together. If you can relate to this try giving your date a second chance. Most people find first dates awkward, and they tend to be nervous while they are on them, so they don’t give an accurate representation of who they are as a person. If your date didn’t impress you, it could have been nerves, so give them another chance to wow you.

Of course you don’t need to do this if you found your date rude, sexist or racist – but if they just seemed shy or dull, they might deserve another chance.

4. Make Friends With Single People

If you are single and most of your friends are in relationships it can get a little lonely. Make sure that you don’t feel lonely in 2017 by promising yourself that you will make an effort to spend time with other singles in your area. You could try a yoga class or a cooking class to meet people, or you could simply ask someone from your work to join you for a drink after work.

5. Log On To Your Online Dating Account

Sometimes online dating can be a little demotivating, especially if you’ve yet to make a connection with someone special. However online dating is one of best ways to meet someone in today’s society. Promise yourself that in 2017 you will log into your account at least once a week to check your messages and see if there is anyone new who catches your eye – this vastly increases your chances of meeting someone amazing.

6. Don’t Spend Too Much Time Thinking About Meeting Someone New

We’ve all heard the phrase “you’ll find your soulmate when you stop looking”, but that doesn’t mean that it is any less true. You can’t decide when the love of your life will turn up, so you may as well stop thinking about it so that you can focus on making yourself happy. Eventually everything else will fall into place, but you can’t control when it will happen.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson