Lee And Ollie Fall In Love And Get Married!

Lee And Ollie Fall In Love And Get Married!

British gentleman Lee recently contacted Date British Guys to let us know that he met his beautiful wife through our website. The Londoner first started talking to Canadian Ollie in March 2016, and after months of messaging back and forth they decided to meet in person in April. They both felt nervous, but thankfully the date was a huge success and the pair quickly fell in love.

After dating for a few months they decided that they were ready to take the next step. Lee and Ollie married each other in October 2016, and the wedding was an extremely romantic affair.

What do you love about each other?

Ollie: “I love that Lee is a very passionate and a very expressive person. He is happy to express who he is and how he feels and what he wants, which I find very refreshing. I love that since meeting we’ve got along so naturally, there is an easiness about us, mine and his energy are just right – he’s my soulmate! He was made for me and I was made for him.”

Lee: “I love the feeling of emotion and warmth I get every time I look at her or think about the way we are together. It’s something that has been missing in my life but I knew that I’d find it one day. Ollie brings out the best in me and she makes me want to be a better man – while loving me for the man that I already am.”

“If I had to say what I love the most, it would be everything that makes her who she is; a kind, thoughtful, very funny, honest, loyal, beautiful soulmate.”

What are your plans for the future?

Ollie: “Our plans are for me to move to London in March 2017 when our spousal visa has been approved, and get settled in with my husband. We have plans to renew our wedding vows in London in 2018 for all of our family and friends that were not able to be present for our wedding in October 2016.”

“Other plans involve doing much touring around the UK in general and, pretty much living life to the fullest now that our souls have recognized each other and are together! We would like to spend and create many more memories together first before having babies, but we do plan to have children. We want to have memories that we can share with our babies once they are here – so maybe in three years!”

Their story is similar to the story of Ben and Becca, the founders of DateBritishGuys.com. The website is inspired by their own romance (Connecticut-born Becca met Ben while studying abroad in London and the rest, as they say, is history). DateBritishGuys.com now has more than 30,000 members who are adding an international flair to their love life.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson