Jon And Bekah Get Engaged!

Jon And Bekah Get Engaged!

Jon and Bekah got engaged in December, and they are planning a wonderful future in America together. But when did they first start talking? And how did they know that they had found something super special?

We sat down with the pair to find out the full story.


When did you first start talking?

Jon: “We first matched in June 2019. After 2 days of texting each other, we had our first phone call. It lasted for 10 hours. That’s when we knew this was different.”


When did you first meet?

Jon: “We were talking for a couple of weeks, and Bekah said “how spontaneous are you?”.

So I ended up flying over to spend the Fourth of July with her!”

Bekah: “The more we spoke (and we spoke a lot; like 8 hours a day, and we often stayed connected overnight), the more we were desperate to spend time together in person. You get to know a person very quickly when you speak so frequently, and we felt like we had a strong connection very early on.”

“I asked if he’d like to come visit, and being a true English gentleman he offered to stay in a hotel and asked me to send him some suggestions for places near me. Ultimately, I felt comfortable hosting him so he stayed with me. He arrived on the Fourth of July, and he stayed for 5 days. I’d recommend a brief visit like that for a first meeting, because you never know if you’ll hit it off in person. We were lucky, and neither of us wanted Jon to leave.”

What do you love about each other?

Bekah: “The first thing that attracted me to Jon’s Date British Guys profile was his cheeky photo. I could tell he had a sense of humor. I’ve always been a fan of that very British dry wit, and Jon is my favorite comedian. Not only is he tall, dark, and handsome, he is also hilarious and fun, and I love that we can have a deep conversation about nearly anything.”

“Our values and world views are very much aligned. Jon is such a gentleman, and that is a welcome change from the local guys. He is genuine, thoughtful, and sweet. And as my daughter says, “Jon is really handy to have around the house!” He’s the total package.”

Jon: “Bekah is the most thoughtful, caring, funny, talented, sweet, amazing woman I have ever met. We have a similar outlook on life, love many of the same things, and make each other laugh. A lot. Plus she is beautiful!”


What are your plans for the future?

Bekah: “Jon visited for the holidays, and whilst he was here we got engaged. We are working on our K-1 visa. We have no plans to apply to any visa-based reality shows though; we’re not dramatic enough!”

Jon: “We want our future to be together. It’s a strange feeling to ‘just know’ when you’ve met the right person. Grow our family, travel some… but most importantly, do it all together, alongside her incredible daughter.”


Do you have any advice for singles on DBG?

Jon: “Give it a go. Hang in there. Be willing to put in the time. I found that Changing my schedule in the UK worked. I basically live on Bekah’s time, so we can talk at ‘normal’ times.”

Bekah: “Fill out your profile as completely as possible, and show your personality! I loved that Jon had a voice clip on his profile. Also, be patient. New folks join every single day. Spend time talking to people and getting to know the British or American culture more. Even if you don’t ultimately date that person, you can still have excellent conversation and learn a lot!”

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson