How To Wingwoman For Your BFF

How To Wingwoman For Your BFF

Your friend is single, but she is ready to meet the love of her life… and you want to help. This is totally normal – most people want to encourage their friends to find happiness, especially when it comes to love. However being a wingwoman can be difficult; it is important to encourage your friend without being pushy or forceful, and you should always know when to take a step back.

Here are a few tips to help you wingwoman for your BFF.


1. Don’t Play The Matchmaker

It can be tempting to play the role of the matchmaker by finding her a guy, but this is rarely a good move. She has to find someone that she is genuinely attracted to, and then you can help her – but constantly trying to pair her with single friends could become frustrating for both of you.


2. Don’t Force Anything

Your goal isn’t to get your friend to go on as many dates as possible; the goal is to help her find true love. So encourage her to sign up to dating websites and meet men, but don’t force it if she isn’t ready. Your role is to support her and encourage her, not force her to do things she doesn’t want to do!


3. Remember This Is About Her

This isn’t about you being a great friend, this is about her. So help when you can, but take a backseat once she is actually on a date; don’t spend the whole night texting her and calling her to find out what is going on. The first date is about her and him, not you!


4. Be Willing To Play Your Part

If you are being a wingwoman at a bar or an event be willing to play your part. If she likes a guy but he is with a friend, help to distract the friend. If she likes your single friend but she doesn’t know how to introduce herself, ask if she wants you to make an introduction. There are lots of ways you can help in social situations!


5. Cover Awkward Moments

If you are in a social situation with your friend and her crush and things get awkward, take the hit. It can be a bit cringe to take on the awkwardness, but it will be easier for you than for your friend (especially if she really, really likes her crush!).


6. Build Her Up

You are supposed to be supporting and encouraging your friend, so make sure that you spend some time building her up and making her feel confident. This will make it much easier for her to approach other people in a relaxed, happy manner.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson