How To Have The Conversation About Deleting Dating Profiles

How To Have The Conversation About Deleting Dating Profiles

You’ve been talking to someone for a while, and you’re starting to really like them. They make you laugh, you talk nearly every day and you’ve had some great dates (even if they were just over Skype) – but you are very aware that you both still have your dating profiles up.

When things are going well with someone, it can be tempting to avoid having a conversation that might rock the boat, but if you are ready to delete your dating profile you should definitely bring it up.


How To Say “Should We Delete Our Dating Profiles?”

If you want to talk about deleting dating profiles, the best thing you can do is be totally open and honest – and on the other hand, the worst thing that you can do is seem critical or annoyed. Simply say “We’ve been talking for a while now, and I really like you – so I was wondering if we should think about deleting our dating profiles?”

You don’t need to say any more than this, as your request is totally normal and reasonable. If you start trying to explain yourself you may come across as critical or pushy, which could scare off your date, so just keep it simple and honest.

This will give your date the chance to react honestly, as they won’t feel pressured to say a certain thing.


Take Your Time

It is also worth noting that this isn’t a conversation that should be rushed. Everyone moves at a different pace, and if you have only been talking to the other person for a week or two it is entirely possible that they won’t be ready to delete their profile yet.

If this happens don’t take it as an insult; everyone has barriers that they put up, and this means that they may not feel like they know you well enough yet. This can actually be a compliment as it could mean that they like you enough to take things slowly, so be patient and understanding.

On the other hand, if you have been speaking for quite a while and they don’t want to delete their dating profile, this could mean that you are both looking for different things. While this may be difficult to hear, it is better to know the truth so that you can move on and find someone who wants to be in a relationship with you.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson