How To Have A Casual Relationship

How To Have A Casual Relationship

Do you want to have a casual relationship? If so, you’re not alone. Casual relationships are very common nowadays – but that doesn’t mean they are easy to navigate. Many casual relationships have poor communication and end badly, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

It is entirely possible to have a healthy, happy casual relationship that ends on good terms – you just need to be respectful and upfront.

Here are four tips to help you have a healthy casual relationship.


1. How To Have A Casual Relationship: Be Clear About Your Intentions

It is totally fine to want a causal relationship (AKA a ‘situationship’), but if this is the case you must be clear about your intentions. Some people avoid doing this as they know that their crush is looking for something more serious, but it is never a good idea to lead someone one – especially if they were decent enough to be honest about what they want. So tell your crush how you feel, and give them a chance to decide what they want. You never know; they could be very open to the idea of a casual relationship!


2. Try To Avoid Jealousy

It is normal to feel jealousy, especially when you are navigating a new romantic relationship. However it is very important to make sure those feelings don’t get out of control. Remember you chose to be in a casual relationship, so you don’t have the right to be annoyed at your crush for seeing other people. If it does really bother you, consider asking your crush if they want to be in an exclusive relationship – and if you don’t want to be exclusive, consider ending the relationship so you can be fully single.


3. Prioritise Respect

The most important factor in a casual relationship is respect. It doesn’t matter if the relationship is very informal; there should still be some kind of agreement so no-one gets hurt. This could mean being open about dating others, or it could be as simple as staying safe sexually – either way, it is very important to discuss and respect each other’s boundaries.


4. Embrace Communication

Finally both partners should embrace communication. Talk openly and freely about your feelings and hesitations, and listen when your partner is talking about their boundaries. This way you will fully understand what is important to each other, and there should be no feelings of resentment or miscommunication.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson