Dating Tips For Single Parents

Dating Tips For Single Parents

Being a parent is basically a full time job, and it can be even more demanding if you are a single parent. However it is important to still make time for yourself, especially if you want to find a new relationship. Here are some dating tips for single parents.


1. Dating Tips For Single Parents: Be Upfront

The first (and most important) thing you should do is be upfront. It can be tempting to leave the fact that you are a single parent off your dating profile, but if you meet someone you really like this will likely cause problems later. So be proud of your situation and look for someone who wants to be with a single parent (rather than someone who could dislike children!).


2. Don’t Feel Like You Need To Apologise

It is likely that being a parent will affect your dating life, especially if you have young children, but you don’t need to apologise for this. You have your own priorities and commitments, and the right person will understand that. They will be willing to reschedule dates and plans, and they won’t try to make you feel guilty for being a good parent.


3. Don’t Limit Yourself

Some single parents think that they can only date other single parents, but this is often far from the truth. It is true that only another parent will completely understand the responsibility of being a parent, but that doesn’t mean that singles can’t be accepting and considerate. So don’t dismiss someone just because they don’t have children, especially if you seem to have a great connection.


4. Plan Dates That You Will Actually Enjoy

Single parents rarely get a moment to themselves, so if you do decide to go on a date do something you’ll actually enjoy. Don’t go to an over-priced bar if you don’t want to spend too much, and don’t go to a restaurant if you don’t like the vibe there. Instead do something you’d be happy to do with a friend, such as hiking or grabbing a coffee. This means that you are more likely to enjoy the date, and you won’t feel as down if the date doesn’t go well.


5. Don’t Rush Introductions

If you met someone and you really like them you may want to introduce them to your children, but we suggest waiting a few months before you do this. Children can be greatly affected by change, so a new person in their life can be a big deal. So wait until you are really sure about the relationship before arranging any introductions!


6. Avoid Sneaking Around

Finally you should avoid sneaking around. You don’t have to tell your children that you are dating, especially if they are very young, but you should make it clear that you are making friends and trying to be more sociable. You may also want to make it clear to your children that you won’t be getting back with your ex (AKA their other parent). This will make introductions much easier when you met your soulmate!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson