Bad Online Dating Photos To Avoid

Bad Online Dating Photos To Avoid

When it comes to online dating, pictures are extremely important. You can write a brilliant profile and match with lots of people every day… but if you only have bad online dating photos, you’ll struggle to get any matches back.

Thankfully it is pretty easy to choose good pictures; you just need to know which type of pictures to avoid.

Here are six bad online dating photos to avoid.


1. Bad Online Dating Photos To Avoid: Blurry Pictures

When it comes to online dating there is a general rule; a low quality profile will only attract a low quality person. You may think that it is still a good picture (even though it is blurry), but in reality it probably makes it seem like you aren’t really taking online dating seriously. So spend some time going through your pictures, and remove any that are out of focus!


2. Pictures With Someone Else’s Dog

You may be tempted to upload a picture of you with a friend’s dog – but if you don’t own a dog, we don’t suggest doing this. It is a very common trend called ‘dogfishing’, and while it can initially lead to more matches, it isn’t an ideal solution if you want to actually find love. After all, people may un-match you if they think you are being misleading – and you are also more likely to match with an animal lover, which isn’t ideal if you don’t actually plan on ever owning animals!


3. Filtered/Photoshopped Pictures

Filtered pictures are more popular now than ever before, but they are rarely a good idea when it comes to online dating. This is because a filtered picture is edited, so it doesn’t show what someone truly looks like. Many people find this off-putting, as they only want to match with people they genuinely find attractive. Filtered pictures can also damage your own self-esteem, so we suggest only using pictures that embrace your natural beauty.


4. Pictures With Your Ex

This should be an obvious no-no, but in case it isn’t – don’t include pictures with your ex (including pictures where they have clearly being cut out). This makes it seem like they are still a huge part of your life. After all, you don’t seem to have many pictures without them!


5. Pictures With Children

If you have children you may want to let potential partners know in advance, but we suggest doing this with a sentence in your bio. Avoid posting pictures with your children, as you never know who will see the pictures. Safety is the most important factor when it comes to online dating.


6. Out Of Date Pictures

People use old pictures for a variety of reasons. Some people prefer the way they used to look, while other people don’t have many recent pictures. Either way, it is important to find a recent picture that you like for your online dating profile. Otherwise you could be misleading people about the way you look, which could result in people unmatching with you once they have met you in person.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson