How To Have A FaceTime Date That Isn’t Awkward

How To Have A FaceTime Date That Isn’t Awkward

Have you been invited on a FaceTime date? If so, congratulations! A FaceTime date is a great way to get to know someone no matter where they live – but it can be a bit nerve-wracking if you haven’t been on a video date before.

After all, a video date can come with some hiccups, just like any first date. Thankfully it is fairly easy to ensure you have a fun date; you just need to prepare in advance.

Here are six tips to help you have a FaceTime date that isn’t awkward.


1. How To Have A FaceTime Date That Isn’t Awkward: Choose An Activity

If you feel nervous about the date being boring, choose a fun activity you can both do to make things interesting. This could be a video game you can play together, or it could be a two player board game (just make sure they have the same game as you!).

If a board game feels like too much effect, you could take an online quiz together such as “Which film character are you?” This takes some pressure off the date, and it gives you something to bond over.


2. Keep Busy

If you’re having a quick call with someone new and you don’t have time to plan anything, try to stay busy during the call. For instance, you could prepare dinner while you speak, or you could do some knitting (if that’s your thing!). This will keep busy hands distracted, and it means you have something to focus on if you start feeling super awkward.


3. Try A Virtual FaceTime Date

If you’ve spoken to this person a few times before, you could try to make the FaceTime call feel more romantic by planning a proper date. This could be you both taking a walk in the park (virtually but together), or it could be as simple as you both buying a glass of wine to drink while you talk. This can make the call feel more like an actual, in-person date.


4. Watch A Movie Together

You could also watch a movie together. This isn’t always the best idea for a first date, but it is a good option if you’ve been dating for a while. And if you’re not sure what to watch, don’t worry; here are some excellent film options for date night.


5. Don’t Get Overly Invested

If you have a great FaceTime date you will feel fantastic, but try not to get overly invested if it is the first time you have spoken face-to-face. Remember that you are still getting to know each other, and you should enjoy this part (instead of trying to rush into a relationship with someone you don’t know well).


6. Remember That Practice Makes Perfect

FaceTime dates can be a little bit intimidating, but remember that practise makes perfect. The more dates you go on, the more natural the dates will feel – and so over time, you’ll either fall in love or become a FaceTime dating pro. Neither is a bad option!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson