Questions To Ask When You Match With Someone

Questions To Ask When You Match With Someone

The first message you send when you match with someone is very important. If it is a great message it will start an interesting, flirtatious conversation – but if it is a bad message, they may unmatch you and you won’t get the chance to talk to them again.

This can be a bit nerve-wracking, but in reality it is really easy to send a great first message – you just need to put a little thought into the message. Avoid just saying “hi, how are you?”, as most people aren’t really interested in polite chitter chatter with strangers; instead go for an interesting, thought-provoking question that will actually grab their attention.

And don’t worry if you can’t think of any questions; we’re here to help. Here are a few great questions you can ask when you first match with someone new.


Questions To Ask When You Match With Someone

Why did you decide to join this site?

Do you prefer tacos or pizza?

Would you rather go for a hike or watch Netflix?

Would you rather live in the UK or the USA?

What kind of coffee do you order?

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

What is your perfect first date?

Tell me about the worst date you’ve ever been on.

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

What are you doing this weekend?

Describe yourself with three emojis.

How do you like to spend your time off?

Do you have an accent?

Are you monogamous or poly?

Have you ever ghosted anyone?

Do you have any song recommendations for me?

What’s your favorite thing about where you live?

And if they do reply, remember to keep it light and friendly; don’t be pushy or needy, as this could scare them away. Just enjoy getting to know each other – and if the conversation slows down, consider asking another question from this list!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson