British Man Of The Week: Simon!

British Man Of The Week: Simon!

Simon (AKA SiNorthEastUK) is a British man who joined our site three months ago. We decided to find out more about Simon…


Hi Simon! Tell us a little more about yourself.

Hi! I’m brand new to this website. I love to travel, and I’ve been to America a few times (Vegas, Florida and some of the states in the South). I love the American culture, I love the food, sports and everything that comes with it.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I play tennis, basketball and golf (although I’m not very good at any of them, haha!) I also enjoy going for a meal with friends, and drinking couple of swift beers in the local.


Describe your perfect partner.

Someone adventurous who’s keen to travel and see the world. Someone fairly easy-going, who is honest, caring and affectionate. Someone with whom we take on what the world has to offer.


What are your dating pet peeves?

People that look down on other people or judge people before they’ve had chance to talk to them.


Describe your perfect first date.

Something different and adventurous! Everyone meets for dinner or a few drinks – I’d prefer to do something different.


Give us a fun fact about yourself.

I am an Irish Masters 2018 Poker Masters Champion.


Are you an indoors or outdoors person?

A bit of both. I love adventures, but I do love to immerse myself in a good TV show.



What is your favourite movie?

I don’t watch a lot of movies, mainly TV shows. If you’ve not seen it, you should watch Line of Duty on the BBC!


What is your dream job?

If poker offered a stable and continuous income, then that would be it. It’s just too risky to do it as a career.


Do you have a nickname?

I prefer Si over Simon, but it’s not really a nickname.


What is your dream holiday destination?

If time off work wasn’t an issue, I would love to get an RV and just drive around the US.


What is your guilty pleasure?

Coronation Street – it’s a British soap opera.


Would you be willing to try a Zoom date?

Yes, sure! I’m living in the UK currently, so in0person would prove difficult initially. I travel to the US a lot though, so not impossible.


Do you drink alcohol?

Yes – I don’t think there’s many Brits that don’t!


Do you like horror films?

Not particularly to be honest. But I’m willing to watch anything if it interests someone else.



Are you looking for a serious relationship?

Yes eventually. I’m very happy to chat for a while and get to know someone. How people used to do it.


What’s your go-to takeaway order?

A parmo. It’s something generally only made in Middlesbrough where I live. It was created by an American, however!


Do you prefer coffee or tea?

Coffee but I do like a cup of tea. Has to be strong.


Are you a night owl or a morning person?

I’ve always wanted to be a morning person, but I enjoy my bed and sleep too much! Maybe one day I’ll become a morning person.


Do you own any pets?

I don’t have any pets. I love dogs, cats and pretty much all animals though.

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You can also check out the other British Men Of The Week here.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson