Benefits Of Dating An Independent Woman

Benefits Of Dating An Independent Woman

Dating an independent woman can be an interesting experience. If you have a great connection and you are honest and upfront, it is likely you will have a great time together – but if you try to play games or distance yourself, it is likely she will quickly disappear from your life.

This may seem like a bad thing, but in reality it is a good sign; it means she isn’t childish or clingy, and it means she won’t tolerate toxic behavior.

Here are five good reasons to date an independent woman.


1. Benefits Of Dating An Independent Woman: She Won’t Play Emotional Games

If you’re tired of playing silly games with the people you are dating, try dating an independent woman. She will be straightforward and honest about her feelings, so you’ll always know where you stand with her. If she likes you, she will make an effort with you – and if she doesn’t like you, she will let you know and move on, so you don’t waste your time!


2. She Won’t Rush Things

Independent women are not interested in filling a void, or just dating someone for the sake of it; they only want to date someone who will actually enhance their life. They won’t rush into anything until they’re 100% sure the other person is right for them. No settling, no choosing someone who isn’t right for them; its either real love, or they will stay single.


3. She Likes Alone Time

Independent people love alone time, which means you both get time to focus on yourselves. This will benefit both of you; research has found that people are more productive and motivated when they regularly spend time alone, and they also tend to have more emotional strength.


4. She Has Her Own Interests And Hobbies

The independent woman you are talking to had a fulfilling life before she met you, and she won’t change her lifestyle and hobbies just because she is with you. She will continue to embrace her passions, and this will make her a happier, more self-confident woman. So you don’t need to worry about constantly keeping her occupied; she can do that herself.


5. She Doesn’t Need You To Look After Her

Finally an independent woman doesn’t need a man to look after her. She will appreciate your help and support, but she won’t rely on you to solve every problem in her life. This means you are more likely to have an emotionally healthy, equal relationship where you both take care of each other.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson