Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Visit Britain

Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Visit Britain

Have you always wanted to explore London? Do you dream of finding love on cobbled UK streets? If so, you will be pleased to learn that now is the perfect time to visit Britain.

This is because the value of the pound has dropped, so if you live in Europe or America you could save a lot of money by booking a trip now. This is due to Brexit, and while it is likely that the pound will rise again, right now it is lower than ever.

Here’s everything you need to know about Brexit and visiting Britain.


Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Visit Britain: It Is Very Cheap To Visit Britain Right Now

After Brexit the pound dropped considerably, which means it is much cheaper for both Europeans and Americans to visit the UK. Before Brexit you could get £64 for $100, but now you can get much more money; you will get around £72 for $100. This is significantly more money, so you won’t need to exchange as many dollars (or euros) for the trip.


Tourism Will Help The British Economy!

This may seem like a bad thing, but in reality your trip will benefit the UK. This is because countries with economic problems benefit greatly from tourism – so you will be doing the UK a favour, as well as your bank balance!

But if you do book a holiday, make sure that you use legitimate companies to book flights and hotels. You can also use this useful guide from Forbes to lower the cost of your flights.


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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson