6 Epic Date Ideas You’ve Never Been On

6 Epic Date Ideas You’ve Never Been On

You’ve got a date lined up… but you’re tired of the restaurant scene, and you don’t think a coffee date sounds particularly exciting. You want to wow your date with a unique, fun night that they will remember for years to come – but you can’t think of any epic date ideas.

Thankfully there are lots of cool, creative date ideas; you just need to think outside of the box! Here are 6 fun date ideas that you’ve probably never been on.


1. 6 Epic Date Ideas You’ve Never Been On: Try An Escape Room

Escape Room challenges put you and your date in a locked room, and then you have an hour to try and escape. This is a lot of fun, and the riddles are sure to keep entertained as the game goes on – just make sure that you and your date have good communication skills, as you will need to work together!

And if there isn’t an escape room near you, it isn’t a problem; you can always transform a room in your home into a temporary escape room! There are lots of free escape room plans online, so you don’t need to do much; just print a few sheets off and set the space up.


2. Try Your Own Ready Steady Cook

Try a Ready Steady Cook style face-off where one of you cooks the starter and one cooks the main meal – but you buy the ingredients for each other. This is a great way to have a giggle together, and if you live in different countries it isn’t a problem; just pick each other’s online shopping baskets, and then do the date over Skype.


3. Make A Time Capsule

You could also consider making a time capsule together. This isn’t ideal for the first date, but if you have been on a few dates you can gather up some mementos and bury them in a capsule. This is a sweet way to reinforce your bond together, and it is also fairly romantic – just make sure that you bury it somewhere where you will be able to find it again in the future!


4. Go On A Tandem Bike Ride

You could also consider a tandem bike ride date. This date is easy and affordable, as most cities have a tandem bike hire service, and it is a great way to explore the area. You can even find scenic routes using Map My Ride, so this is a fairly low effort date.


5. Go For An International Smoothie

If you live in different countries and you’re bored of Skyping from your living room, consider both heading to a smoothie shop and then Skyping each other. This will feel more like a real date – just make sure you choose a quiet location, so you don’t feel awkward Skyping in public!


6. Get Romantic With Candles

You could also wow your date by setting up a picnic with 1000 candles. This may seem expensive, but in reality tea lights are very cheap – and 1,000 lit candles creates a seriously unforgettable view!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson