Great Dates on a Budget

Great Dates on a Budget

Do you want to find dates on a budget? There’s no doubt about it – first dates are hard.  The nerves of meeting a new person, the pressure of having to impress said person, the constant anxiety that you’re doing and saying the wrong things, and of course, the sweat that accompanies all of this.  Couple that with the fact that you’re trying to get this person to consider sleeping with you, and you’ve got yourself a very uncomfortable situation.

So what’s the only thing that can make this already awesome experience even more awesome?  By pointing out the fact that you’re broke.  Whether its because you’re unemployed, spent all your money on booze, or just don’t have anything left over after rent and bills, the fact remains that you don’t have a dime to spare for wining and dining.  So I guess that means you can’t think about dating until you have heaps of money to rain down upon potential partners?


You can still take a gal out and show her a good time without ever uttering the word “McDonald’s.”  Just use one the date ideas below and not only will you look like you can plan a great, interesting date, you’ll be able to afford to feed yourself for the entire month as well.


Pay-What-You-Can Museums, Zoos, or Aquariums

AquariumI know what you’re thinking.  The cost of admission to some of these places is as much as two fancy dinners and a movie ticket.  And, yes, while that’s true in some cases, there are ways around this.  At many museums, the posted price of admission is only a suggested donation.  This means that while they would like you to pay $25 per person, it’s not required.  All you need to do it walk up to the admission booth and tell them you would like tickets for two adults and you would like to pay $___ each.  It’s surprisingly easy and judgment free!

Some places don’t offer pay-what-you-can, but do have coupons or other specials that can save you big bucks.  Check out Groupon, Goldstar, or other similar sites for deals on admission to places in your area.  Also, certain credit card companies have programs that offer you free entry to participating locations on specific days just for being a cardholder.  Bank of America, for example, sponsors a Museums on Us program that provides free admission to a wide range of facilities on the first weekend of each month.  You have to have a credit card or account with the bank to take advantage of the deal, but one free admission is better than none!

Hurt Pride Factor:  Minimal.  Just get there early and buy the tickets before your date gets there.  She’ll never know that you used a coupon or only paid $2 for each ticket.

Potential Pitfalls:  Avoid the gift shop like the plague!  Museum and zoo cafeterias and food courts are also notoriously overpriced, so try not to plan the date close to mealtimes.  You may need to stop for a snack, but two cups of coffee and a brownie will be significantly less expensive than two whole meals.


Picnic in a Park

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis can be as cheap as you need it to be.  All you need to do is show up with a blanket, a bottle of wine, and a few snacks and you’re good to go.  You won’t have to tip any waiters, there’s no cooking required, and you will get major bonus points for appearing super romantic.  Another bonus is that your date will most likely ask if she can bring something.  The right answer to this is always, “Only if you would like to.”  She will most likely show up with a bottle of wine or maybe even a home-baked dessert, since she’s trying to impress you as well.

Hurt Pride Factor:  Virtually non-existent.  She’ll never know that you suggested a picnic because you’re low on cash, and as we said before, you will look great for breaking out of the traditional dinner and a movie mold.  If you’re nervous about only being able to afford the cheap hummus or the store brand pretzels, just put them in a Tupperware or plastic bag.  But if your date judges you on that, she’s not worth it anyway.

Potential Pitfalls:  Mother Nature can be a cruel bitch.  If it’s raining, all your moneysaving work goes right out the window.  Choose a park with a gazebo or covered picnic area in case it starts raining while you’re there.  And if the whole day turns out to be a wash, no need to reschedule – just select something else on this list!


Take a Hike

HikeIf you both love the outdoors, this is the perfect option for you.  You can share your love of nature, get to know each other, and not spend a dime.

Pick a trail that’s likely to have plenty of other people around, as taking your date into the woods on an ultra-secluded hike could be…creepy.  You should also start out easy.  Check for guides of local trails so you can pick one that will be enjoyable without being too strenuous.  You may both be able to handle the most difficult hike in the area, but you don’t know that going in, plus, you’re supposed to be chatting as you go and that could be hard to do it you’re huffing and puffing.

If you really want to put some effort in, walk the hike before your date and scout out some good places to stop for a snack.  And yes, you should bring some snacks.  Most importantly, make sure your date knows ahead of time that you will in fact be going on a hike.  Outside.  On a trail.  If not, she will show up in some fancy outfit, inappropriate shoes, makeup, the works, and you will be in big trouble.

Hurt Pride Factor:  Once again, very low.  She will most likely never know that you picked this option because you couldn’t afford anything else.  You’re just a fun-loving, nature guy, right?

Potential Pitfalls:  While it’s unlikely that you will encounter anything to purchase, you may fall into the “Wanna go grab a bite when we’re done?” trap, so search for some sort of diner or other casual, cheap place in the area.  Also, there’s the chance that she only said she likes the outdoors to impress you and will be completely unable to handle this.  But that’s really her problem.


Go to a Bookstore

BooksIf you’re both bookworms, meet at a local bookstore (used ones are great if you can find one) and each pick out a book you think the other person needs to read.  You can walk through the stacks together chatting about books you’ve read and getting to know each other.  If you’re feeling nostalgic, you could even limit the choices to only children’s books and take a walk down memory lane.  Once you’ve made your selections, head to the in-store café or a nearby coffee shop to continue chatting and read the first chapter of your new books.  This will give you something to discuss if conversation starts flagging.  And a word to the wise, make sure you finish the book before date two so you’ll have an answer to her inevitable “What’d ya think?”

Hurt Pride Factor:  Probably non-existent.  You’ll appear to be the perfect prince and she won’t even suspect that you’re really the pauper.

Potential Pitfalls:  She could pick a really terrible book for you or suggest you read a hardcover tome that’s the most expensive book in the whole shop.  Save the receipt!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson