8 Things Women Do That Are Turn Offs

8 Things Women Do That Are Turn Offs

We have already released a list covering the things that men do that are turn offs, so it is only fair to recreate a different list for women.

We scoured the internet, magazines and even some statistics to find out what women do that put men off. From being a little too obsessed with social media to trying to manipulate your date into feeling jealous, here are 8 things that women do that are turn offs for men.


1. Spending Too Much Time On Your Phone

Mobile phones are definitely a big part of modern life, but most men say that they think it is a turn off if their date is constantly checking social media on their phone. Sure, social media is fun, but if you are actually socialising with a real human you should put the phone away.


2. Being Clingy

Some women think that being clingy shows that they like their date, but the likelihood is that it makes you seem anxious and desperate, and this will make your date feel under pressure to be there for you – which is not a turn on!


3. Manipulating Your Date To make Them Feel Jealous

Some women bring up other men who are attracted to them to make their date feel jealous, and sometimes it works – but if your date is mature, he will probably realise that you are trying to manipulate him for attention.


4. Constantly Talking About Yourself

Of course your date wants to hear about your life and your interests, but if you never ask him anything about himself he will end up feeling like you are more interested in yourself than him. Ask him some questions about his life, and then actually take the time to listen to his answers.


5. Playing Too Hard To Get

There is nothing wrong with being a little guarded when you first start dating someone, but if you expect your date to do all the chasing it is likely that he will think that you are not actually interested in him.


6. Not Having Your Own Interests

Most people want to date someone who has drive and ambition, but some women can dismiss their hobbies and passions when they start dating someone new. Normally this is because they are very invested in their relationship, but it is important to remain an independent person who can entertain themselves when their date isn’t around.


7. Lying About What You Want

No-one wants to date someone who pretends they want something different to what they actually want. If you want to be in an exclusive relationship and your date doesn’t, don’t do what they want in the hopes that eventually they will want what you want. They probably won’t change their mind, and you will end up resenting them for not giving you what you want.


8. Being Self-Centered

It is important to love yourself, but if you love yourself so much that you struggle to consider other people’s emotions it is likely that you are difficult to date. No guy wants to date a woman who expects her date to prioritize her over himself – especially if she also prioritizes herself over him!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson