5 Things Men Do That Are Turn Offs

5 Things Men Do That Are Turn Offs

Some turn offs are obvious, such as biting your nails, farting and burping loudly. But what about the less obvious things that men do that turn women off?

From bragging too much to being cheap with money, there are lots of little things that men do that are unappealing to women. Doing these things can destroy your chances of a relationship with someone, but it can be difficult to know exactly what these things are. After all, very few men intentionally do things to turn women off – especially if they have a crush on the woman in question!

If you want to make sure that you aren’t accidentally pushing your crushes away, here are 5 things that men do that are turn offs.


1. Things That Men Do That Are Turn Offs: Bragging

Most people know that lots of bragging is a turn off, but some men still try to use bragging to impress their date. This results in them spending the majority of the night talking about themselves and their accomplishments, which is very unappealing as it makes you seem self-absorbed and not interested in your date.

Instead of bragging about your own accomplishments in a bid to impress your date, try to find a common connection. This will impress her much more!


2. A Lack Of Social Awareness

There is nothing wrong with being a little socially awkward; lots of people feel this way, and so many women will be able to bond with you over this. However a lack of social awareness, such as having no table manners or being rude to service staff, is a huge turn off for most women!

Avoid being rude to strangers in public and try to make an effort to be polite when you are out. This will go a long way, even if you are shy and nervous by nature.


3. Being Cheap About The Little Things

Being cheap is a big turn off for the majority of women. While your date shouldn’t expect you to fork out for expensive holidays and weekends away, try to avoid sweating the small stuff when it comes to money. Don’t complain about having to pay £2 for a bottle of water, and don’t buy the cheapest bottle of wine if you are going over to their house for a night in. It isn’t about flashing your cash; it is about being generous rather than tight.


4. Oversharing

When you meet someone who you get along well with it can be tempting to overshare facts about your life. You might want to talk about your last relationship or why you were fired from your last job, but you should avoid doing this when you are still getting to know someone. It is fine once you are in a relationship, but at the beginning it can seem pushy and end up scaring the other person away. Be casual and don’t reveal too much of yourself to someone that you have only just met.


5. Being Overly Dependent On Your Parents

There is nothing wrong with having a good relationship with your parents; in fact, many women would class this as a turn on! However few women are attracted to a man who is overly dependent on his parents as it makes it seem like he isn’t an independent person. As an adult you should be able to make your own decisions without consulting your parents, and if you are still living at home with them your date may wonder if they will ever get the chance to stay over!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson