What British People Say V What British People Mean

What British People Say V What British People Mean

The British are known for being very polite, but this isn’t always the case. It is true that British people value manners and respect, but they can be a fairly cynical bunch too. Lots of the things that they say may seem polite and friendly, but the actual meaning is very different.

Here are 15 things that British people say – and what they really mean.


What British People Say V What British People Mean

What British People Say: “Excuse me…”
What They Really Mean: “Get out of my way – and learn to watch where you are going!”

What British People Say: “All right?”
What They Really Mean: “Hi!”

What British People Say: “I do hear what you’re saying…”
What They Really Mean: “You are totally wrong. I couldn’t disagree more with what you say!”

What British People Say: “That’s dear!”
What They Really Mean: “That’s expensive!”

What British People Say: “I’ll bear that in mind.”
What They Really Mean: “Sorry, I’ve already forgotten what you were saying. Can we change the conversation?

What British People Say: “You’ve caught the sun!”
What They Really Mean: “That sunburn is seriously bad. Your whole chest has turned pink.”

What British People Say: “Bit wet and cold out there.”
What They Really Mean: “It is pouring with rain and I’m pretty sure that my fingers froze on the drive over here.”

What British People Say: “Absobloodylutely!”
What They Really Mean: “Yes!”

What British People Say: “That is a brave outfit choice!”
What They Really Mean: “A terrible outfit choice. Why are you wearing that?”

What British People Say: “Sorry, is anyone sat here?”
What They Really Mean: “Move your bags and coat – I’m sitting in this seat.”

What British People Say: “With the greatest respect…”
What They Really Mean: “You’re a fool.”

What British People Say: “That is one way of looking at it.”
What They Really Mean: “That is the wrong way to look at it.”

What British People Say: “I’m not too bad, actually!”
What They Really Mean: “I am in a great mood.”

What British People Say: “Let’s agree to disagree.”
What They Really Mean: “This conversation is over.”

What British People Say: “Ooh is that the time?”
What They Really Mean: “I know the time, but I’m not sure how to tell you that I’m going home now.”


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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson