Halloween Dating Tips For Singles

Halloween Dating Tips For Singles

On the 31st October, people from all around the world get together with their friends and family to celebrate Halloween. The spooky holiday is known for being popular with kids, but it is also a lot of fun for adults – it can even be a great opportunity to meet someone new.

If you’re single and looking for love, get out there this Halloween and see if you meet anyone who catches your eye. Everyone is out and about, ready to socialize and have fun, so find a costume and get yourself out there! Here are 5 Halloween dating tips for singles.


1. Halloween Dating Tips For Singles: Don’t be discouraged by masks and costumes

Halloween is the perfect time to meet someone new, but lots of people are discouraged by the costumes and masks as they can’t see the faces of the people they are talking to. This can actually be a really good thing, as you get to know someone for their personality alone. You might find that you really click with a man in a scream mask, and when he takes it off you might be surprised to see he isn’t your normal type. This can encourage you to date someone a little different – which could be the best decision you ever make.


2. Bring candy

If the idea of walking up to a stranger and striking up a conversation makes you feel nervous, bring candy to the party with you. You can give everyone a piece of candy when you go over to talk to them, giving you an easy conversation starter – even if the conversation is just about your favorite types of candy!


4. Try not to get too drunk

It is pretty normal to have a glass of something alcoholic if you are at a Halloween party, but it is a good move to avoid drinking too much – especially if the party is filled with people you don’t know. Lots of people drink quickly when they are feeling nervous at the beginning of the night, and by midnight they are falling over and throwing up. This is fine if you don’t want to meet someone new, but if you do it can definitely be off-putting behaviour. If you want to drink, have a glass of water after every alcoholic drink – this way you can drink without getting too drunk!


5. More Halloween Dating Tips For Singles: Choose the perfect costume

Halloween only comes around once a year, and everyone is encouraged to go all out for the event. We definitely recommend getting a costume, as it gives you a chance to show off your personality and interests. Going costume-free can also make you seem like you’re not that interested in the event.
It is a great idea to pick a costume that shows off one of your interests, as this makes it easy for other singles to start a conversation with you. For instance, if you love Formula 1, you could dress up as a race car driver. Make sure you get a costume that you are really happy with. You can go as something scary, sexy or funny; have a look at your local dress up store and online to see if you can find anything that you really love.


6. Remember to follow up

If you meet someone who you have a connection with, make sure you ask for their number or email address. You never know when they will leave the party, and you will regret it if they leave before you get the chance to ask for their details. If there is a spark, it is definitely worth asking – you could even have a date arranged before Halloween is over!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson