9 reasons why you should date a dog owner

9 reasons why you should date a dog owner

It is no secret that dogs are great companions. They are always overjoyed to see you, and their never-ending love feels great. But what about their owners?

The team at DateBritishGuys think that dog owners are just as awesome as their pets. Dog owners have lots of great traits like patience, and they know how to shower their loved ones with affection. Here are 9 reasons why you should date someone with a dog.


  1. They are easy going


When you have a puppy, you have to be prepared for the unexpected. Dog owners are used to finding chewed up shoes and furniture – and the occasional puddle. They don’t let little problems stress them out; instead they calmly solve the problem and move on.


  1. They are friendly


Studies have found that dog owners are normally more extroverted than people without pets. They are used to chatting to other dog walkers – in fact, they even love a quick chat with their pooch. This friendly attitude is present in all areas of their lives, and they are chatty and loving in their relationships.


  1. They are forgiving


Remember the first point? Dogs can often make mistakes, and dog owners don’t judge them harshly for their mistakes. Often they realize that they are at fault too – maybe the dog only went to the toilet inside because they didn’t let them out.

They know that blaming someone for something is a waste of time, and instead they choose to forgive and move on.


  1. They are patient


Training a puppy is a difficult, time-consuming task – but the rewards are amazing. Dog owners understand that good things come from patience, and that being impatient doesn’t help anyone.


  1. They are great at cuddling


If you enjoy affection and a cuddle in your relationship, a dog owner is the perfect match for you. Dogs love nothing more than to lick their owner’s face, so they are used to their pup invading their personal space. They will love to share a cuddle with you – and no doubt they will appreciate the fact that you don’t have dog breath. Phew!


  1. They are active


Dogs need walking every day, so you can safely assume that a dog owner isn’t afraid of the outdoors. Dog owners love to go on hikes and walks, and they are always happy to include other people in their adventures.


  1. They are happier than average


Studies have found that dog owners are generally less stressed than people without a pet. They also tend to be healthier and have higher self-esteem – need we say more?


  1. They are responsible


A dog is a pet that requires a lot of work. They need walking and feeding daily, and they often have high costs compared to other pets. Dog owners are willing to do this, showing responsibility and commitment – two of the most important traits to have in a relationship.


  1. You get a dog (kind of)


Who doesn’t want a dog to play with and cuddle? If you date a dog owner, you spend as much time as you want with their fluffy friend. Winner!

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson