7 Tips To Help You Have A Great Video Date

7 Tips To Help You Have A Great Video Date

COVID-19 has confined many people to their homes, so video dating is at an all-time high – but for people who are interested in international dating, a video date is a normal part of life.

Even when the pandemic passes, there will still be British men and American women video dating – and we want to make sure all of those dates are as successful as possible.

So here are seven tips to help you have a great video date (whether you’re dating someone down the road, or in another country entirely!)


1. How To Have A Great Video Date: Dress Well

Make an effort to dress like you would if you were going on a real-life date. Shower and spend a little time on your appearance, then put on a nice outfit that makes you feel confident. This will show your date that you are actually invested, and it will also help to boost your self-confidence so that you come across better.


2. Think About The Backdrop

If your room is a mess, don’t take the call there – or tidy up before you do! A messy home is unappealing to most people, so showing dirty clothes or plates won’t do you any favours. Instead find an area in your home that has a nice backdrop and good lighting, so you can present the best version of yourself when you see each other for the first time.


3. Do A Sound And Video Check

Check that your sound and video is working well before you take the call. This will reduce the chance of any awkward technical difficulties – and it also gives you the chance to check out the lighting and your appearance before you start the date!


4. Grab A Drink

You may also want to grab a drink before the date starts. You could get a glass or wine or a cocktail, or you could stick to water or tea – whatever you’d drink if you were actually on a date. This will help make the date feel more real, and it also gives you something to do if you have fidgety hands.


5. Don’t Worry About How Long The Date Lasts

A good video date could be as short as 20 minutes, so don’t worry about stretching the call out for as long as possible. Once you start to feel like you’re ready to hang up, say you have to go and it would be good to speak again soon.


6. Don’t Be Afraid To Discuss The Future

If things go well you might eventually meet in person, so it could be fun to discuss potential future plans. For instance, if you both like Italian food you might plan to go to an Italian restaurant, or maybe you’d both like to check out a museum together. Of course it might be too soon to set concrete plans, but there is nothing wrong with discussing things you might like to do together one day!


7. Try To Stay Positive

Finally you should try to stay positive. You may be tempted to discuss the stress of the pandemic, but this shouldn’t be the main subject of conversation. You both want to make the other person feel happy, so try to discuss positive subjects that you both love talking about.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson