7 Things You Should Never Do After A Breakup

7 Things You Should Never Do After A Breakup

A difficult break up can feel like the worst thing in the world. At the time you may feel like you’ll never get over the pain and the hurt, but you will eventually – even if it is hard to understand that now.

You have a long process to go through, and that process will include anger, crying, hiding inside, and eating a lot of comfort good. All of these things can help a little bit, but there are some things that you should definitely avoid doing as they won’t make you feel better.

Here are seven things you should never do after a break up.


1. Pretend To Be Fine

Lots of people bottle up their feelings after a break up as they don’t want to make other people feel awkward, but you shouldn’t say you are fine if you are not. It is okay to acknowledge that you are hurting inside, and telling people about this will help you to come to terms with your feelings so that you can move on.


2. Constantly Thinking About Past Mistakes

It is likely that both you and your ex made mistakes in the relationship, but there is no point brooding over them. Either way the relationship has ended and is in the past, so you need to think about the future so that you can move on. Of course it is important to be aware of your mistakes so that you can learn from them, but don’t spend time beating yourself up for making mistakes.


3. Contact Your Ex Constantly

Some people deal with the loneliness of a break up by texting and ringing their ex for reassurance, but this will make it very difficult for you to move on. Instead surround yourself with friends and family members who can love you in a genuine, positive way.


4. Keeping Relationship Reminders Around You

Its tempting to keep the presents and mementos that your ex gave you, but looking at this will bring up painful memories that will make it hard for you to move on. They will also give you an unrealistic view of the relationship as they will only remind you of the happy times.


5. Moving On With Someone Else Immediately

It can be tempting to immediately shack up with someone else – after all, this means you don’t really have to deal with your feelings of loneliness. However you will have to deal with those feelings eventually; they won’t just disappear because you’ve found someone else.


6. Try To Win Him Back

Your ex is an ex for a reason. You may feel sad and angry, but you must focus on the present and the future so that you can be genuinely happy, rather than coming up with a complicated plan to get your ex back.


7. Stalk Them On Social Media

One of the worst things about social media is that it gives you the opportunity to stalk your ex – or even their new partner! While this can be very tempting, it is important to be aware that it will only make you feel worse. Don’t focus on them; focus on yourself.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson