5 Unconventional (But Important) Relationship Goals

5 Unconventional (But Important) Relationship Goals

#relationshipgoals is a seriously popular hashtag, and now lots of people want to find a relationship that will live up to the ‘goals’ they saw online – but some relationship goals are much more important than others.

Sure, it is fun to imagine doing a couples costumes for Halloween… but is this really an important milestone? The answer (for most people, anyway) is no; what really matters is the moments where you realise how much you value your partner.

Here are five unconventional (but important) relationship goals that everyone should look for in a relationship.


5 Unconventional (But Important) Relationship Goals

1. When You Are Friends With Each Other’s Friends

As the relationship develops you will meet each other’s friends, which is a great step – but an even more significant milestone is when you befriend their friends. Instead of feeling like an awkward extra when you all hang out together, you will feel like you are spending time with your own friends. You even want to hang out with their friends when your partner isn’t around!


2. When You Can Be Comfortable With Each Other

A significant step for many women is when they can spend time with their partner without make-up. This is because going make-up free can make women feel less attractive (and therefore more vulnerable). So this is a very important milestone, even if it only feels like a small step!


3. When You Have An Argument And You Don’t Worry About Breaking Up

At the beginning of a new relationship people rarely fight – and if they do, they tend to worry that it will end the relationship. After all, new relationships can be very fragile! So if you have been with someone for a while and you can have a disagreement without worrying about breaking up, it means you finally feel secure and comfortable in the relationship.


4. When You Have A Date Night Schedule

It is important for all couples to have alone time, which is why the most successful couples make an effort to arrange regular date nights, even if they have been together for years. So if you are in a long-term relationship and you have a date night schedule (such as always keeping Sunday night free), then it is probably a sign that you are in a serious, loving relationship – which is a very important milestone!


5. When You Talk About The Future… And Agree With Each Other!

The final relationship goal on this list is agreeing about the future. Sure, lots of couples discuss the future with each other… but it isn’t a good sign if they don’t have a shared vision. So if you talk to you partner about the future and you are both on the same page (for instance, if you both want to move to the same country and you both want to have children), it is likely that you will have a long, happy future together.

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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson