5 Questions You Should Avoid Asking On A First Date

5 Questions You Should Avoid Asking On A First Date

It is important to ask the right first questions on a first date. This will keep the conversation flowing, and it will help you to bond with each other – but there are certain questions that you should definitely avoid asking.

Here are 5 questions that you should avoid asking on the first date.


1. 5 Questions You Should Avoid Asking On A First Date: “Do you think I am good looking?”

It is normal to feel slightly nervous about your appearance on a date, especially if you are meeting someone who you think is very good looking – but you should never ask this question! It makes it seem like you are fishing for compliments, and it puts your date in an uncomfortable situation if they haven’t decided if they like you or not. So avoid questions like this, and instead consider complimenting your date on their appearance instead.


2. “Do you want to meet up again?”

After spending a few hours with your crush it should be pretty obvious if they want to meet up again or not. But if you can’t read the situation, don’t ask this question in person; simply text them later in the night to find out. This takes the pressure off for your date, as they don’t have to answer right away, and it means you will both avoid a potentially awkward situation.


3. “Who’s the person tagged in all your Facebook pictures?”

Lots of people check out their crush online before meeting them for a date, but you shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about who is tagged in their pictures. Maybe it is an ex, but it could also be a co-worker or a sibling – so relax, and respect your date’s privacy. After all, you are not officially in a relationship, so demanding personal information can seem like a red flag.


4. “Should we take a selfie?”

Selfies might be popular, but they are a big no-no for the first date. Lots of people dislike taking selfies, so they might cringe if you ask this question – but even if they like selfies, it is unlikely that they will want to post one with someone they have just met. So save the selfie requests for an actual relationship, rather than the first date!


5. “What are your weaknesses and strengths?”

This question is appropriate for a job interview, but it is a bit dry for a date! It also makes it seem like your date has to impress you, which is fairly one-sided. Remember that a date should be relaxed and fun; the focus shouldn’t be to quiz each other or make each other feel uncomfortable.


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Amy Johnson
Written by Amy Johnson